Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides of March

PMOEC has a topographical map. It is a beautiful scale version of Long Pond and the surrounding mountains and hills that all drain water into our home body of water. There is even a small marking on the topographical map for Camp Poka-moonshine. Truly beggars cannot be choosers and this is the only blemish on an amazing 3-D learning tool. I don't know who made it and I don't know when it was made, but the worn edges and frayed paper would suggest that it is either old or has been handled with rough hands over the years. Either way, it is a shell of its former self. It has been so for a couple of years. Since mid-2011 the necessary repair of this map has been on our work project board- the dry erase ink seeping into permanence. Over the many months, different people have tried, in vain, to conquer this seemingly easy task, only to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the project once they began. Too little time, too many other necessary work projects, etc. have kept that work project on the board- until now. Yet, I have seen progress over the past few days. The mountains have been reformed to their true heights with the aid of foam board. Maps have been printed. With a little luck, and a trip to staples for map enlargement, this job will get done this month. This is what March is all about at PMOEC.
The staff continues to come and go during this month of half-employment. Despite their furloughs, the staff members are able to stay on sight, since the buildings would stay open for the year round summer camp staff anyway. The early spring weather has afforded those who are on-site, but not working, the opportunity to experience spring a bit earlier than most. Today I've already seen mountain bikers, frisbee throwers and a few folks sitting in Adirondack chairs enjoying strawberries; all of these activities have been enjoyed by the same 3 people!
I however continue to sit in front of a computer making sure to stay connected with the hungry public who want as much PMOEC information as I can give them. Just kidding- don't feel sorry for me. It's mere minutes before quitting time and, as long as I can find Harmony, I plan on getting out on this beautiful day for a run with my hound. Until next week....

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