Yesterday two local girl scout troops (one from Willsboro and one from Peru) came to Pok-O for a Winter Survival program. After a discussion about all the ways that one could die in the outdoors (the girls were very creative), we focused on ways that we could avoid some of those hazards. Since this was a Winter Survival program, we focused mainly on ways to stay warm. We played a spirited game of Doubles (a.k.a. The Chocolate Game) to practice putting on appropriate layers (admittedly not the main point of the game, but we had a lot of fun) then headed out into the cold. The girls managed to scrape together enough snow to build a quinzhee, and they gathered enough firewood to build a giant bonfire (although we limited ourselves to a small fire just big enough for roasting marshmallows.)

We get several boy scout and girl scout troops throughout the year, coming in both for day programs and for overnight visits. Many of our classes can help the scouts meet badge requirements, and visits to Pok-O are a great way for troops to bond. If you're part of a troop and would like to arrange a visit to Pok-O, give us a call!